Hello, I have problems trying to Port a number over. My account was cancelled and I am unable to reactivate. Is there a way to activate my account @CS_Agent? I am currently on hold withb the other service provider. Cheers,Ben
Hello, I have problems trying to Port a number over. My account was cancelled and I am unable to reactivate. Is there a way to activate my account? I am currently on hold withb the other service provider. Cheers,Ben
Hey @Dunkman I'm on hold with them and said that my account is inactive with PM and that it can't be ported over. I think PM deactivated my account before the number was ported over. Do I have to wait for the @CS_Agent@ to reactivate before I port o...
Hello @ShawnC13 I'm on the 90 day prepaid account. The 90 days doesn't end until the first week of November. So I should still be active? I'm not sure as to why PM cancelled my number? I'm currently active with the new service provider under a new nu...