Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
since ‎07-10-2018

User Statistics

  • 8 Posts
  • 0 Solutions
  • 0 Bravos Given
  • 1 Bravos Received

User Activity

Need urgent help!!! My 77year old mother (77 this past august) had her cell phone stolen a few days ago. My mother had that same phone number for over 30 years. I know it is possible for her to keep the same number but we cannot access her email beca...
I was looking to change my plan, does it change immediately? Can my renewal date stay the same? Will it affect my rewards
I am currently on autopay and I have 4yrs with PM, which gives me a total of 6$ of rewards per month on my account. I was told by customer service that all will be calculated and taken of my plan balence and the final amount would be taken off my cre...
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