Hang tight… two days later, it was fixed. Ironically I got a call from Bell today asking me to come back and offered a competitive offer I didn’t think existed for Bell! If PM doesn’t work, make a call to your current provider and ask them to match! ...
I asked for Silvio, begged for Silvio… but sadly, didn’t get him. After 24 hrs I could receive texts but not send from my ported number and then this morning it’s was fixed. Thank-god. I can’t believe how much I rely on texting for coordination each ...
This issue continues to lead to dead ends for me. I've had a ticket submitted and replies from the CS Agent troubleshooting with various resets and the problem still exists. They told me they've shared everything they can and now I need to wait 24hrs...
There is an issue that PM is aware of related to the activation process and iMessages. If it looks like your iMessages is stuck verifying your phone number, this could be the issue. I have it right now and am waiting for a response from Customer Serv...