Have the same problem with one of my lines. Have another line that am able to use all the * codes for conditional forwarding. Same phone. Replaced the sim on the problem line yesterday and didn't fix the problem.The only difference between the 2 s...
Unless i'm missing something - I can get these boxing week promos in my customer portal. Select the plan to change on renewal. Once current cycle is done, plan will renew at the promo rate. $50 for 100gig is a bit much for me. Just set 3 plans to...
Just dealt with this - Was using YouMail till it broke in the spring. Never bothered to start looking into it till the past month or so. I kept getting the mmi error with my 4g plan. Sunday I renewed onto a 5g plan and it works now.I tried going t...
Just dealt with this - Was using YouMail till it broke in the spring. Never bothered to start looking into it till the past month or so. I kept getting the mmi error with my 4g plan. Sunday I renewed onto a 5g plan and it works now.I tried going t...