Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
since ‎10-07-2023
3 weeks ago

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  • 16 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
  • 32 Bravos Given
  • 2 Bravos Received

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It says "Currently unable to download try gain later" when my data is on and I have reception. I haven't had data since they gave me bonus data for taking away my rewards that actually lowered my bill.
Can authenticator be deactived because it waste more time then it actually helps? Even after selecting this is a trusted device, it ask every single login.
Why is public mobile website more laggy now after the 2 factor athenticator update?
What happened to loyaly rewards and badges for answering questions and giving bravos? Mine have all been reset to 0 after logging into the new authenticator system.
I bought $30 worth of vouchers in $25 split into two vouchers of $20 and $5 payment and $5 into another payment. I have tried all three pins and have only been able to redeem $25 out of the $30 spent on vouchers by using the *611 voucher redemption. ...
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