I'm not from any company so don't qoute me on this... but yesterday the entire coverage (Fido, Public,Bell, etc) seem to have some connectivity issues and I was also affected.Not sure why but it might be the back to school day, which over-congested t...
Not really about the model but he provider... see, even on Rogers I never had full 5G and I had S20 FE. But occasionally I'd having a 5G here and there.Funny when I traveled to USA with fido on LTE, I received 5G roaming in the states (through a roam...
I am personally using S22 ultra that I got from Canada. It's the same original software and I update my software regularly to the latest firmware, because I'm a techie and want to know the latest and be useful and knowledgeable in that area.
Speaking from experience, and mentioning that I am writing on 5G...It might not show 5G all the time, but the speed and efficiency is there. My network normally shows 4G or LTE but my speeds and reaponse time is way faster than I was with Fido.Just t...