On my two oneplus phones I had to change the APN part (SP.MB.COM) to all upper case. Go into airplane mode then out and it worked. Uppercase isn't supposed to matter but it does. This was on a OnePlus 7 Pro and a OnePlus 8. I wasn't able to get all t...
I got my OnePlus 7 pro and sons OnePlus 8 working by editing the APN and making the sp.mb.com to all upper case. Went into airplane mode and back out and it's working. Should upper case matter no, but it worked on our two phones... Good luck.
On a OnePlus 7 pro it does make a difference. It's not supposed to but it does. Been without MMS for a few weeks now, changing the APN to uppercase fixed it on my 7 pro.
Just wanted to let everyone know that replacing APN with SP.MB.COM (yes, upper case letters) all other settings as PM lists worked on my OnePlus 7 pro. I changed APN, turned on airplane mode, then turned it off and sent a MMS picture. Why uppercase w...