i lost/misplpaced phone, couldnt locate, tried calling several times and its off, that was may 29th. i have data charges today may 31st, how is that possible?
i payed my bill and by the time my plan reactivated it said my data was all used, i have everything shut off so no data gets used, ive rechecked settings several times and everything is off still the only cellular data permission i have is for public...
this one baffles me, my service is suspended and my definatly lost and off phone is still swiping right for chicks or something like wtf?im at a loss, obviously i know that changing SIM is end will fix this cause im not getting the SIM back, more jus...
well after 3.5 hours of searching i came out with a samsung and apple watch haha not what i was looking for but ill take it, i just find it so odd that its broadcasting a little, my google account doesnt register it, or facebook or instagram, hmm wei...
i had it set to when only useing the app, also it says to load up youtube on the ios device, pretty dumb if you ask me, ios uses ip for location where as google use latitude, before you could just pop the imei number in and BAM