I changed more data plan,Chose activatation date asap,Paid successfully,But still i old plan and keep asking me to buy more data add on.Now getting text i ve used 95% data.Pls help.
I have a canadian phone number with public mobile plan. Unsure if this allows me to send/receive SMS messages to/from international numbers whilst I am abroad? How can i activate my number? I dont care the cost. Pls and thx
I add-on 400min interl long distance call and 011 + 95(myanmar) 09 (area) + ...... but it still said not included in the plan. please help! my add-on is checked and has shown that it has active, but i couldn't make a call.
Hi my phone was stolen with public sim in it on 13 Feb 2020 and I report local RCMP (canadian police) on 15 Feb 2020. i know imei number and what else i need to do now? can i get back my old sim number( i order new public sim on 14 Feb 2020). how can...
ok, thanks, how can i track my lost phone by imei number? i have imei number , also i reported RCMP (police department) TOO, BUT I CHECKED FREE IMEI WEBSITE, MY PHONE IS STILL IN NOT BLACKLISED YET.