Hi there! I need your help as I'm very unfamiliar with band frequencies. Can someone kindly check for me if public mobile is compatible with dokiwatch frequencies? Thank you. I'm wondering if also can make voice callshttps://www.doki.com
@sheytoon Oh I see. I'm getting the dokipal. We're fom Calgary so I'm hoping we got good coverage. Would you recommend PM then? I just want talk and data for a reasonable price and good speed. Thanks again for explaining. Helps a lot this clueless m...
Accoding to this table, it should work with Telushttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qdW9GDx5-g-gApm1GaUxc6u6Ki23YZ9cw71AYiQPFdk/edit#gid=245826487
Thank you! I guess I meant like voice talk using just data as opposed to cellular voice. Will I be getting LTE speeds? I appreciate your help. I wanted to make sure it will work with my kids watch when I get it.