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battery drain "No Cell Coverage" abroad

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Okay all you smartie pants!

I opted not to get any plan abroad,  Just my WiFi for imessage which has been fine.

But there is a severe battery drain from my phone searching for a provider.  I've tried airplane mode with no luck.  Some places say turn airplane mode and Bluetooth on, but still not luck. I tried manually changing "Network selection" to 3G, but still no luck.

taking up 35% of battery consumption. any ideas to alleviate this?  Even overnight it'll drop to 80's or 70's %.IMG_1252.jpeg


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I’ve just realized something. The battery consumption listing is not current but rather only for the last 24 hours or 10 days.  Needless frustration.

I would have been very surprised that airplane mode did not stop that battery consumption, so you got that figured. iMessage needs the internet. That's all. It's internal and proprietary to Apple using old timey instant messaging. You wouldn't be able to send and receive to/from Androids though without real sms texts.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

For anyone interested, despite the apparent battery consumption putting it on airplane mode does seem to extend life.

Also to my surprise, iMessage works on airplane mode with Wi-Fi.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

I would imagine I couldn’t receive iMessages without a SIM card. That’s tied to my phone number. But will try later and report back.

Airplane mode SHOULD be enough.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

That is with cellular data off. This is why is so frustrating.  Even in airplane mode. Currently taking up 34% of battery consumption.

battery health 85 %



Maybe remove your PM SIM card.  See whether you can receive iMessages without SIM card. 

Mayor / Maire


If you are abroad, disable Cellular Data. It is trying to search for a Telus tower where you are located so it is using up your battery consumption.

Tap on Show Activity and see when the battery consumption starts to drop.

What is your battery health? If it is below 80%, your battery will drop faster so this means you will need a new battery replacement.


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