12-25-2019 06:12 PM
I find switching off LTE gives me way faster speeds (because it's throttled back by Public) but less coverage. What speeds are you guys getting on 3G? See my pics below
01-25-2020 08:49 AM
Puffin speeds up mobile browsing by shifting the workload from the resource-limited devices to the cloud servers, and resource-demanding webpages can run super-fast on your phones or tablets.
12-26-2019 12:45 AM
I didnt test but it is enough for using social media.
12-25-2019 07:28 PM
What hardware (degice brand/model), operating system, and (browser) software are you using?
And how consisten are your speedtest results after multiple runs in different locatioms, times, conditions, etc?
If you've just signed on with PM then your 4G wont be capped at "3G" speeds for up to a few days (or maybe up to a week, if you keep moving around a lot). Assuming that you don't have PM's (LTE) Data-only Plan or a "transferred" grandfathered (LTE) Data Plan, of course.
Beware that repeated speedtests can burn through a GB of data surprisingly fast.