12-28-2020 02:27 AM
Star Trek here.
Favorite TOS Season 1 episode 18 Arena
Favorite STTNG Season 5 episode 25 Inner Light. But Darmok is a close second.
What do you like best? Curious as my wife loves Star Wars....
01-05-2021 10:22 PM
Liked both as a kid, but prefer Star Trek as an adult. Also, really enjoying the mandelorian.
01-03-2021 01:45 PM
I've always been a die-hard Trekkie
But The Mandalorian with Pedro Pascal and Katee Sackhoff have me hooked! (also a HUGE Battlestar Galactica Fan too)
And many of the new spin-off Trek shows that'll be coming out soon look very enticing. (section 31, Brave New Worlds, etc)
12-29-2020 02:08 PM
@darlicious wrote:Star Wars episodes 4, 5 and 6 as a kid they were our imaginations come to life. The new stuff as an adult its.....meh!
I enjoyed 4, 5, 6 plus Rogue One.
12-29-2020 11:43 AM
Star Wars for the kid in me and Star Trek for adult side. Star Wars has gone downhill since the empire strikes back. Star Trek Discovery is good. It is a little dark which might not suit everyone.
12-29-2020 10:20 AM
Star Wars episodes 4, 5 and 6 as a kid they were our imaginations come to life. The new stuff as an adult its.....meh!
12-29-2020 07:18 AM
Star Trek. Never liked Star Wars
12-28-2020 04:33 AM
Loved both growing up. Maybe too much.
Enough to write some Wookieepedia and Memory Alpha articles, lol.
But not enough to write any awful self-insert fan fic or own any Starfleet uniforms. (Let's ignore my lightsaber and my combadge ... they're just mancave shelf decorations, not fashion accessories!)
But as a "mature" adult I've found my interest in both of these things waned. Because on-screen entertainment has suffered a serious decline in quality over recent decades, and those two franchises have both been defaced and diluted far too much for me to enjoy watching them.
So sci-fi literature is where my interests are found, and it turns out that the bulk of Star Wars/Trek "literature" is held to rather low and juvenile standards which are (to my tastes) just as unappealing as the vandalized garbage on screen.
I guess the short answer is I love what those shows used to be.