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Is it just me or is anyone else feeling for cynical about PM?

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

I just feel like ever since the switch to the new management system everything is just worse off. And even the *new* 😕 4G plan promo for *students* and the introduction of 4G is only because the US has shut off 3G networks and now telus and PM has an excuse to just NOW introduce 4G plans. And I feel that they are introducing it at higher prices just for more profit vs actual customer satisfaction.  


For example the $10 to $13 dollar plan increase just because. Telus applying to the CRTC to chare customers 1.5% FEE for credit card payments (and Yes I do believe that we will be subject to that at some point if not immediately) And it is not like there is any point it switching to any other provider, except fizz maybe if you are in qubec or ottawa area. Freedom is no longer trusthworth.


What else? Lucky and Chartr both owned by bell and rogers. Maybe PC mobile is better in that at least the money will go towards the lob-laws conglomerate and the money move from the telecommuncations companies to the grocery monolopies (my own money I mean. I Know PC mobile rents off the big 3 anyway) OR 7/11 speakout. 


Everything has become so cynical that every time a change is annouced its always for the worst. Not to mention the CRTC is corrupt so of course the CC fee is going to pass.


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@gpixel wrote:


yes we know it's LTE on both. we're talking about the throttle and how its worse than before. before I switched to the new 4g plan the average speed would be around 1.5mb and lower. I rarely sustained anything over that speed



I just did a bunch of speedtests (yes I donated some of my precious data for this forum! 😉) and here are my results.  I trust you did similar as well over multiple locations and times?


I tried my tests using Telus Mobility, Telus and Bell Canada servers.  I had full signal strength and LTE+ indicator on the phone

Seems like the upstream is consistently close to 3Mbps, but downstream is definitely not.  Hmmm 🤔


Note the first test is the bottom of the list. Hard to say if their throttling system kicked in after a few attempts and brought it down closer to 1.5.  






Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@brettster99 wrote:


For example the $10 to $13 dollar plan increase just because. Telus applying to the CRTC to chare customers 1.5% FEE for credit card payments (and Yes I do believe that we will be subject to that at some point if not immediately) And it is not like there is any point it switching to any other provider, except fizz maybe if you are in qubec or ottawa area. Freedom is no longer trusthworth.


Everything has become so cynical that every time a change is annouced its always for the worst. Not to mention the CRTC is corrupt so of course the CC fee is going to pass.

@brettster99 according to the CBC in this article below, the CC fees (if passed) will not apply to Koodo or PM.


"Telus's discount flanker brands including Koodo and Public Mobile will not be subject to the fee, nor will customers in Quebec."


yes we know it's LTE on both. we're talking about the throttle and how its worse than before. before I switched to the new 4g plan the average speed would be around 1.5mb and lower. I rarely sustained anything over that speed. voice is always on HSPA wether it's on a 3g plan or 4g. although it looks as volte maybe coming soon


the ticker always used to be greyed out and to the left now its greyed out and to the right

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@gpixel wrote:


yes connection is worse on 3g to give customers the incentive to move to 4g. if you use 3gb+ a month I suggest switching

Huh?  Mobile data is on the LTE now whether you are with "3g speed" or "4g speed".   The only possible degradation would be with voice calls which use the old 3G/HSPA network, and carriers have been re-assigning/reducing that spectrum in some areas.


yes connection is worse on 3g to give customers the incentive to move to 4g. if you use 3gb+ a month I suggest switching

Mayor / Maire


There have been a few complaints about the throttled 4G LTE service being much slower than the 3mbps that they promise. Depending on your usage you can perform some speed tests which will use 30 to 40 mb with throttled 4G LTE data (3G service). (Full speed 4G LTE service will use 400 MB+ in a single speed test so this is not recommended whatsoever unless you are on a very large data plan or on the very last day of your 30 day cycle.)


You probably only want to do these tests on day 30 of your cycle before midnight eastern when your renewal occurs if you have some extra plan data that you will not use. If you have a little bit of time left in your cycle like a week or so and you are a low data user with plenty of data left that you probably won't use it then you might want to perform a couple of tests a few days apart before your renewal just to see if the data speed is varying a lot or it's consistently slow.


You also have the option of in your network settings in your phone of changing to 3G only as the 3G network will give you data speeds up to 20mbps+but generally it averages 10mbps to 12mbps depending on network traffic.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I kept 3g   and it is slower than before .

Mayor / Maire


Yes but for different reasons....well being saddled with the unlucky $13 plan was the kicker! But generally sure I'm unhappy about how the community redesign has been brought about and the loss of the lounge pretty much. And the loss of certain features that we used to be able to use and generally it's whole design yeah I'm unhappy and cynical about that.


That pretty much continues on with the new design of the self-serve accounts while we got a couple of things that are good like downloading our usage and our payment history and our receipts but the usage in our account is often wrong there's add-ons that are missing unless you're secret incognito mode. I just wish they would fix what's broken and leave what's not broken untouched. I hate the 2FA and the fact you can't remove a credit card along with all the accessibility issues they have with not being able to easily get a SIM card or use a voucher to activate your account.


There's a lot of lipstick on a pig stuff here. But if you don't do anything about it nothing will change so I continue to voice my opinion and I continue to fight for what is right but you can't evoke change if you're not willing to contribute towards that change. And heck I'm one referral away from free again. I can't be cynical about free though that's where they get me!

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Well, I guess I thought that because on 3G in settings I never got those alerts the government sends out and since 4G was throttled to 3MBps (In my personal experience it was more like 32Kbps) I just kept it there but when I change the setting to LTE I get those alerts. I guess that personal experience came to the wrong conclusion 


4G plans is something that the community has been asking for years and you see it as only being done because the US is shutting down 3G.  Data has always been on 4G just throttled for those on 3G plans.  Only calls with PM are actually over the 3G network.


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The 4G plans have nothing to do with the US shutting down 3G networks.  The data has always been 4G/LTE.  The speed is throttled to 3 mbits/s.  The new plans have speed throttled to 100 mbits/s.  

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