04-11-2020 01:59 PM
So I know this might seem like a crazy Idea. But has anyone thought of running a google ad for your reference number?
Part two of that question is: Would Public Mobile allow us to run an ad advertising their product and essentially saying it is the best product to use and move your business to?
I am trying to think outside the box here a bit. The ad's are pretty expensive though unless you put in like a 3.00 per day budget then it probably will show up on page 1000 of Google LOL
12:22 PM
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04:01 PM
@rooster wrote:xxxxxxxxxxx is where I got my referral code, and it worked!
Wow. Marketing manager indeed. guacamole.
08-17-2020 12:10 PM - edited 09-06-2020 09:23 AM
It would seem pretty outlandish to spend money on Google Ads, Facebook ads, or whatever ads, in order to promote your affiliate code.
Ads are a risk; they may or may not even work at all. But either way as a publisher you would be paying for them!
How do you think Google has become one of the largest companies in the world?
Advertising is actually 90% of their revenue, and no one seems to know this.
Add to this all the time wasted on these activities. You'd be much better off just getting an extra job on the weekends or weeknights waiting tables or something. Your time can be put to better use, that is the case.
Personally, I got my code from PublicMobile.
04-11-2020 03:40 PM
Well, the one-time Referral Credits and ongoing Referral Rewards do take money out of PM's pockets.
I think in practice referrals must come from Telus/Koodo (which means Telus mothership still retains some subscription revenue) or they must come from one of the other networks (which means Telus claims "free market" subscription revenue frok a competitor). Either way Telus gets subscription revenue it wouldn't otherwise have, worth paying a few bucks.
But it obviously wouldn't be sustainable if everybody had a $0 phone plan. So I think PM passively tolerates it to a point but might become actively involved in perceived abuses of their referral system. The idea is that they're offering a referral perk because all their competitors do, and they're offering an ongoing referral reward to pay for the "service" (added business) the customer provided them ... arguably muddy (seems okay and seems wrong) when polling internet strangers who are already inclined to join PM anyways but just looking for online codes to save money.
04-11-2020 03:25 PM
Thanks for the insight, yeah I would definitely talk with PM first. I think they don't allow people to post referral codes in here because they don't want spam.
It would be good if they had a discussion board where people could grab a referral code. So PM has an open forum where you can't reply to it but it will show like 10 random referral codes. And people can go to them if they are new. Be a nice surprise for some users I think.
04-11-2020 03:19 PM
PM discourages (and removes) referral codes on this PM Community forum. Which suggests (to me) that they don't approve of anonymous online "friend" referrals.
But then again, they've anonymized these referrals with the referral code system. And there's evidently little they can do about these codes being posted on sites/media they don't directly own or control. And, as far as I know, they always honour all referral codes, I've never confirmed any instances of them revoking referrals which "exploited" their system.
I would consider it unethical without first consulting PM's Terms of Service or PM itself.
Others would consider it stupid to ignore an opportunity.
It seems to fall in the category where asking forgiveness is better than asking permission.
Although I doubt a Google ad will generate any profitable return, even though it's otherwise a good idea.
04-11-2020 02:20 PM
04-11-2020 02:19 PM
04-11-2020 02:18 PM
@Naepalm not financially viable. Keep your $ to pay your plan. 👍
04-11-2020 02:13 PM
I don't think it would be financially viable. You would need on average three people per today to register for an account just to break even to cover the ad costs.
04-11-2020 02:10 PM - edited 04-11-2020 05:20 PM
Lots of people have websites out there with their codes.
Google public mobile referral code and you will set 3 or 4 of them coming out. They probably paid at least at some point to get there by now.
There is public mobile subreddit and you can join and register with a bot that will connect you with people who are looking for code.
You can add it to your signature. You can put on on your banner in your social media profile.
Public mobile will not mind if you share your enthusiasm for their service