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Blocking spam calls

Mayor / Maire

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@Korth wrote:

The CRTC did mandate UNCB be implemented by all Canadian carriers as a way to help combat spam. By Dec 19 this year. Telus is the only network which hasn't yet complied. 


@Korth UNCB won't help much. It only blocks calls where the outbound caller ID info is misformed or is not a valid phone number (too many or too few digits, etc).  Anything that is in a valid format will still come through.  It won't take long for the scammers with malformed outbound ID long to adjust and continue calling you.  

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Mayor / Maire

The CRTC did mandate UNCB be implemented by all Canadian carriers as a way to help combat spam. By Dec 19 this year. Telus is the only network which hasn't yet complied. 


But the CRTC also enforces rules which aggressively block apps like TrapCall and TrueCaller from working properly in Canada. Consumers are denied access to tools and services which detect and defeat spam (far better than UNCB can). Government and corporate organizations (which have paid the necessary CRTC and OPC bribes) have access to "privacy" and "security" privileges which are denied to consumers. This is why spammers and scammers can use government numbers to fool victims, and why victims have no way to verify whether calls from these numbers are ever legit. 

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