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Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

looks like pm wont to finnish 611 phone service, for that i ask for some rewords for refer to change,

i have like 30 freinds with the old plan but i not refer tham bchuse i not got any rewords for that


@Rabbi, then you aren't a very good friend. If they don't use the call centre *most* of them can probably find a better in market plan with better features and pricing.  *Now not all Legacy plans can be beat*  So if they can find a better plan you aren't referring them to save money because it won't save you anything?

Is this a case of bite your nose to spite your face?
Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@ShawnC13 all my freinds use or talk only for $54 for 3 months or talk & text for $69 for 3 months

also thay travel a lot the new york whear thar family livs 

nothing is beeter for my coomunty


@Rabbi, so then why would you want a referral reward to bring them over from something that suits their needs.  You would try and get them to change a plan so you could save an extra $1 per month and it would cost them more?  Just trying to understand your rationale.  It seems you are looking out more for yourself then your community.  I do understand it is about saving as much as you can but I wouldn't want my friends to have to pay more just so I save a few bucks.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@ShawnC13 all old plans dont have this chip price & rooming like the new

Mayor / Maire

Refer-a-friend rewards are designed for activations of new accounts and are intended to acknowledge your role in getting new PM customers, switching from other providers.


Your friends are already PM customers and would only be switching plans. So I'm not sure where your logic of getting a reward for that comes from?


If Public Mobile decides to completely shut down the phone support over *611 for all legacy customers and move their plans, increase the pricing etc they can do that with the according notice, laid out in the fineprint.


So, as long as the plans and service is offered and meets your friends' needs and budget (ie there is no better option in the in-market line-up combined with rewards, which, as far as I can tell is only true for some people who subscribe to a no-data plan of the legacy line-up...) - why change plans? Exept for the reasons outlined in @ShawnC13's post?


Just my two cents, of course.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

I wish I had 30 friends on PM. 🙂

Mayor / Maire

@Rabbi what???


$54 for 3 months is IMPOSSIBLE (54/3 = $18 plan, cheapest plan EVER offered was $19 which just got price hike as well)

$69/3 = $23 which is also impossible 


Also Legacy plans can't roam in NY where their family lives so no idea what you are talking about

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

@kav2001c its $60 for 90 day but with autopay its $54 for 90 das

Mayor / Maire

@Rabbi $30 Legacy plan? Still doesn't exist

Either way the fact they are paying 90 day increments means they are on a newer plan with no call center anyways so idea also makes no sense why you think Public would pay you to change for them?


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