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Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

looks like pm wont to finnish 611 phone service, for that i ask for some rewords for refer to change,

i have like 30 freinds with the old plan but i not refer tham bchuse i not got any rewords for that

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

hi @kav2001c i talking about the new plan for $54 / 90 days,

its like pm wont to stop the call centers

Mayor / Maire

@Rabbi your posting makes no sense at all


Public has ALREADY stopped call centres

None of your friends can get a Legacy plan


You posted how you want to help friends get a "new" plan and get a referal but then go on to say they are all already on the new plans


So what exactly do you think Public should give you or your friends need / want from you?



Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

hi @kav2001c 

public mobil still have phone centers for old plans

i have talk to tham one week ago

i have steel a lot of freinds that its stil on old plans and i wont to refer tham to change to new plans

Mayor / Maire

@Rabbi you never answered question (again)


WHY would a friend who is ALREADY with Public Mobile for MORE THAN 2 YEARS need you to change a plan for them?



Even stranger, if Public has them as a client for 2+ years, and they are paying MORE money every month, why the heck would they even consider paying you a refer fee for a plan change? By that logic I could change my plan every month just to make my monthly cost down to $0 lol makes no sense at all


If they are on a Legacy plan (which is not what you imply above due to pricing) WHY would they want to contact you to change plans for them instead of calling in to get plans changed?


You have a whole bunch of odd posts and I am not sure what these issues are

(and IF you have so much difficulty communicating on forums, why would anyone want you to "manage" their accounts?)


Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

hi @kav2001c 

  • its look pm wont to close ther call centers
  • pm offer for new plans chiper plans
  • a lot of peple don't change plans only if peple go to him deractly and help him out to do it
  • pm send a lat of the custmer to koodo but a lot of my freinds don't have text of ther phone to see it
  • now i and another coomunty members wont to do the job to change all old custmer for new plans
  • what this is better for pm, and cheper for the custmer
  • to change the plan by phone takes vary long
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