With the general confusion/lack of understanding concerning phone brand vs phone operating system, I think the plans page should be updated.
Reference 3 and 4 at the bottom of the page state "Picture messaging on BlackBerry smartphones requires the BlackBerry 10 operating system." and "Data service on BlackBerry smartphones requires the BlackBerry 10 operating system."
What this is trying to say is Blackberry OS will not work for these data services, while BlackBerry 10 will. However with the 2 latest phones from BlackBerry (one of them being out for almost a year), and another release just around the corner, all running the full Android operating system I feel it is important to include this information in the references.
Possibly the reference may say "Picture messaging on BlackBerry smartphones requires the BlackBerry 10 or Android operating system." and "Data service on BlackBerry smartphones requires the BlackBerry 10 or Android operating system."
Small details maybe, but hopefully reduce confusion as BlackBerry evolves to meet the market demands.
P.S. BlackBerry for life!