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Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
Status: Not for us

After using up your data limit, your data should just be significantly throttled instead of cut off completely. So you should still be able to send and receive emails, load web pages, etc. Even on the 150mb data plan you should get an unlimited amount of throttled data after you use up your 150mb. I hate the fact that you could miss important emails if you use up your data cap. Wind already does something similar on their unlimited data plans where you get 5gb at full speed and after you use that up it's throttled, it's too slow to watch videos or download big aps or anything like that but at least it still lets you receive emails and (slowly) load webpages.


If this is not feasible, then how about introducing a new addon for an unlimited amount of throttled data, for those of us who don't need high data speeds but want to make sure we never miss an email. Even if it's severely throttled (eg dial-up speeds from the 1990s) it should still be sufficient for emailing.

Mayor / Maire

That sounds like an interesting thought.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

That good idea....

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

This is definitely a good idea!

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité
It would keep texting apps alive also, I like it. Long live iMessage :)
Mayor / Maire

Yes, that's the spirit

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I don't see why anyone would not approve of this idea. It is only fair and is a reasonable request.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

The idea is good, but should be modified.  After data consumption approaches the limit (like 50 Mb before limit is reached, or make it also customizable in online settings), it would be the best to notify customer via text/email or else, and give a choice to extend data plan by X amount of megabytes.  This gives more flexibility and at the same time saves grief to those who don't want to miss important emails.


Not everyone wants to extend plan automatically after the limit is reached and then pay more.  The automatic throttle should be optional.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Would love this

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen



a low-cost or no-cost enhancement for PM, and a big differentiator from The Three Hucksterteers 


Great idea, OP!

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

What a great idea!


I would love for this to be implemented. I think it would have to be something optional, and realistically speaking it would come at a cost.

Now I wouldn't mind paying an extra $5 (NO MORE) for an extra X amount of data usage with a throttled speed that, as OP and other members already mention can be useful for email, texting, etc anything that is considered essential and uses little data.


I also think this option should only be available to those of us with a data addon of course, to avoid any abuse of it

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