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Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
Status: Not for us

After using up your data limit, your data should just be significantly throttled instead of cut off completely. So you should still be able to send and receive emails, load web pages, etc. Even on the 150mb data plan you should get an unlimited amount of throttled data after you use up your 150mb. I hate the fact that you could miss important emails if you use up your data cap. Wind already does something similar on their unlimited data plans where you get 5gb at full speed and after you use that up it's throttled, it's too slow to watch videos or download big aps or anything like that but at least it still lets you receive emails and (slowly) load webpages.


If this is not feasible, then how about introducing a new addon for an unlimited amount of throttled data, for those of us who don't need high data speeds but want to make sure we never miss an email. Even if it's severely throttled (eg dial-up speeds from the 1990s) it should still be sufficient for emailing.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
With Telus Owning PM that $5 would most likely get you 1-2 MB because remember they dont care about you or me or that they are gouging us big time to fit their and their shareholders fat pockets.
Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
Yep great !! i'm in !! I can pay an extra $5 for an extra amount of data usage with a throttled speed 🙂
Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Seeing how Public Mobile is owned and operated by TELUS, which is a Big 3, and the only true competitor on the field is WIND Mobile for BC, AB and ON, I highly doubt this feature will ever come to fruition. The MVNO market in Canada is virtually non-existent since most if not all are owned and operated by the Big 3 or they are those temporary prepaid solutions.


The only big independent MVNO is PC Mobile but their prices are more expensive than even Public Mobile. Until there is some serious competition, this will never happen.

Mayor / Maire

If PM were to use throttle, use it on the 30 or 90 days, and perhaps have it on the 6 Gigs unless you have add-on data, then regular speeds apply still

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

Excellent idea!


Maybe slow the network so it is painfully slow to browse and watch videos, but we could still receive emails.


This is a good one.



Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

I am talking about something like this...


You stil get some data for emails basically, but painfully slow for videos/browsing.


See "unlimited data at 2G Speed"







Mayor / Maire

@jairolevi That's a US-only service that you are referencing in your screenshot. Let's not compare apples to oranges, since, unfortunately, the cellular industry in Canada is not quite up to par with its US counterpart.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

@7789849803 I know is US, I was just providing an example of what I meant.


I would cry myself to sleep if I was trying to compare US plans with Canadian plans... lol


Mayor / Maire

@7789849803, though it maybe US-Only, it can be relevent info, as we need to rack and stack our beloved brains to wrap around this and educate ourselves.

Besides, Some PPL may not have even heard of these concepts, and it would be interesting to learn.


Leonardo Di Capri, Di Vinci, Donatello, Baroque, Giuseppe Castiglione and others always thought learning new things was great for the mind, even the Late Alan Rickman thought so as well, that was why he was on the Walkie Talkie with Bruce Willus for a moment or two at the Nakatobi Building discussing Telecommunications, lol

Mayor / Maire

I do agree with throttling data after used, but from a technical side Telus (Publics owners) do not have a 2G network. So any reduction would be to 3G speeds.


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