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Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
Status: Brand new

It seems that this recent promo has resulted in a lot of comments on the forums, particulary about porting from one provider to another and other activation related issues. In regards to porting, many of the issues were related to the standard time it takes for a port to complete, in other cases there were actual port failures that needed to be addressed by PM.


I suggest that there be a progress indicator of some sort that indicates where in the port process you are and that this should be visible from your self serve account. In addition to this, it should give you a time estimate for when the process should be complete, automatically notifiy a MOD if there is an extended delay and indicate to the customer who was contacted and where in the queue of that MOD their issue is. Also if the error is the mismatched information provided by the customer, this could be requested as part of the process and the customer could easily refill the port form.


Something like:


Estimated: 2.5 hours remaining


| \\\\\\\\\\\\Port Requested\\\\\\\\\\\\ |  Matching Info |  Wating for Company X   |



Error: Cannot match to Company X's account. Please verify your Port information and re-submit.



A similar progress indicator could be provided for future dated activations, for those switching plans. 


I feel like a lot of stress, frustration, and tension could be allieviated just through transparency. The customer doesn't know what is going on behind the scenes and the immediate thought is that something has gone wrong, and no one is helping. 

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Very good idea. You have my vote.


Furthermore, as I've suggested in another thread, the porting page should include a quick reference that tells the user what fields are needed as well as their purpose with respect to a specific provider. Basically it gives important tips to the user on what to enter, and if he needs to fetch any required info that he wasn't aware of.


For example,

Bell: enter account number (12 digits) and full name on file

Rogers: enter account number (10 alpha-numeric characters) and password

Wind: enter IMEI and user code, where user code is ....

Zoomer: enter phone number and PIN, where PIN is ...



This should dramatically reduce the number of user mistakes/misunderstandings with respect to the porting process, which is a significant portion of the porting failures. As a result, that would free up the mods to help those with more critical issues. Win-win! Smiley Very Happy


Mayor / Maire

An excellent proposition, I'm in

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen


Koodo's self service site does have something similar to this for number porting status, but I can't speak of whether it shows any error messages if things goes wrong (never had anything go wrong with porting into Koodo before).  At the very least, Koodo does show you if the porting is done.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

@lychee that makes sense, and maybe you select the carrier you are porting from and only the relevant fields are shown in the form.

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen


Exactly. That will mitigate user mistakes as well as giving the user more confidence in the infos that he enters.


A little description of each relevant field with respect to the specific provider also goes a long way in helping the user determine if he has the correct info. For example, some providers use the phone number itself as the account number, some providers use a password to authenticate while others use the IMEI, etc.

Mayor / Maire

Definately have my vote for this

Even if messages were simply generic (in progress, error, manual intervention) etc it at least would help people out immensely


Mayor / Maire


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