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Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité
Status: Not for us

We have seen numerous people making a mistake or misunderstand the plan details and get stuck on the plan they didn't want. This happens because a plan change would cause them to lose the money they have already paid, even if it has been just a day.  


I understand that this is a prepaid service and there are no refunds.  Thats fine.  However, for new customers who are likely to make an honest mistake, it would make a lot of people happy if there was a grace period of anywhere between 2-7 days where the new customer can make 1 plan change and only pay the difference (or receive credit in the account for future use if downgrading the plan).




Mayor / Maire

I humbly agree, this can certainly lead to a harmonious experience, and lead to less ppl leaving and feeling that they're in excellent hands, Public's Excellent hands

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

As a person that messed up the 1gb for 90 days rather then 1gb per month thing, I do support this but I understand it's prepaid and not really setup that way,

Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Though not set up for it this could prevent a lot of frustrated new customers and as we all know first impressions tend to be lasting impressions.

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

Thanks for your input so far.  I agree that pre-paid isn't setup this way.  

However, a one time modification to the system, which would allow for such flexibility, would go a long way towards keeping new customers happy and give confidence to those on the fence about joining. 



Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Please yes. I just lost $110 this way.


I signed up for the text+data plan, plus $8 for 200 minutes thinking this would work (I don't call people much). It did not, and I realized (on this thread) that this wouldn't work. So, I switched my plan to include the voice. instead of charging me an additional $30 (after the discount), I was charged a full $134 (see account statement below).


This is all on the first day. I'm now not only paying more than I thought I would for the service, but I've also had to pay an additional $118 to solve the problem. And it's not like I could just switch back and be done with it; I'm sort of over a barrel because my number was switched.


Please help; this is really not a good start to using Public Mobile.



Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

Hi @Graham, I replied to your post and would like to request one of our super helpful mods @Shazia_K to look into this for you.  

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville
Great idea!
Great Citizen / Super Citoyen
I also think this is a great idea for new customers. I myself thought 1gb on 90day plan would be 1gb per month not over the whole 90 days. I am sure this is a common mistake. Luckily I am able to get by with such little data, I am sure many others can not and would like a option to upgrade within the first week. If 90day plans were more common accross other carriers there would be very few mistakes but for me and I am sure many others it is my first experience with plans larger then 30days at a time
Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen

Please add this


I too am a new customer and would like the freedom to change some features

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Better yet, allow changes at any time at the difference in cost, but ONLY to a higher plan, and deduct any data used from the new plan.

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