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Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité
Status: Brand new

I believe this has been suggested before, but I will bring it up again:  I think PM should allow pro-rated immediate plan changes through the self-serve portal.  If not all the time, then how about adopting the current new-plan exemption of being half way through your plan or less as the cut-off, and just keeping that ability all the time, and not requiring PM moderator assistance.


I personally have seen a ton of recent activations that, for whatever reason, have forgotten to add a texting option they wanted, or activated thinking they didn't need a talk option and could just use the LD add-ons (you can't!--but the system doesn't prevent you from buying them anyway), etc.  I think this would eliminate a lot of manual intervention AND customer frustration, particulary for new customers, but even for existing ones whose needs can change.


I'd propose that if you have auto-pay turned on or manually top up, that the system should allow you to change the plan immediately, and charge you only the pro-rated difference (when moving to a more epxensive plan).  If moving to a less expensive plan, then it should credit you the pro-rated difference into your PM account (not a refund, but a credit toward you next renewal/cycle).

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Ok if you max all my options on pm I can 

Plan lanth 90 days 


get global text 


Canada is and USA calling 


data 3 gigabyte of data and 


201- 60= 141


and remember you keep saving even on here helping all those little credits add up as well if you have recurring payments setup and ready to go you get 3 dollar off to me I think it's be best service out there 3 months of service at a fraction of the price 

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

This is the main reason I did not upgrade to a longer plan period (90 days) and more expensive plan soon after I selected the current plan. The system does not provide any pro-rated credits for the current plan. As a result, I just have to live with the current plan and requested the new one effective at plan renewal date. With your suggestion in place, people like me would purchase the more expensive plan right away.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle
Well with my plan I pay 120 a month with credit of 6 dollars a month with auto pay and a little more being on the community will pay off in the long run if I new about this company a year ago I could of saved a crap load in my pocket but my phone was not down enough to switch at least I owe only a 180 dollars will be final bill but probably pay it down now anyway Canada post lock out so pay your bill in advance people use online banking ok
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