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"The future of PM !?" - what we are still missing is some statement about this from PM management.

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

What we are still missing after the "infamous fiasco",

is some sort of statement from the PM management about the future of Public Mobile.


PM is heavily community driven - in fact the most active  online community members aka oracles, as well as us simple mortals,

are helping PM management  to run the company for free!


So, I think, the community deserves to know.


All sort of rumours are circulating now- from PM being shut down, to Rewards taken away, to upcoming elimination of the LTE speeds etc. Definitely not a healthy environment for most of PM users.


Please, PM, enlighten us ASAP! 




Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Obviously I cannot say about the future of PM, but we can say this with some certainty:


PM wants us off the $40/4 ($120 for 12GB/90) plan:

- a few months back we were offered a Koodo deal ($50/5GB)

- we were now told to go to Koodo or face a $10/month hike

- the reversed that, but the message implies that although they are not changing today, something is changing in the future


Not saying them wanting us off the plan is a good or bad thing; but they definitely do not want to support such a great plan forever... no provider would, or does...

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