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When paying for your services here's a few IMPORTANT TIPS

Mayor / Maire

If you use a Credit Card to pay, THIS IS IMPORTANT:


All info you enter in self serve registering a CC, MUST match what your Financial Institution has on file, and Currently ALL CC's can be from Canada OR US with Verified Canadian OR US Addresses

Example: If your financial institution has name Donnie J Moneypennie on file, you MUST enter this, Caps in areas Precisely


Address Financial Institution has on file MUST match as well, Caps Precisely matching


So, Example, your address is xxxx Trumpet Way, it must match


xxxx Trumpet Way


xxxx trumpet way


Also, CC Info including expiration date as well as back Security #'s NEED to Match 100%


Vouchers have several Numbers you NEED to enter Precisely as well

If one digit is off, System will NOT be able to Recognize, SO ENTER Precisely


@RobertQc, that's news to me


If accurate, that's an improvement


Now, IF Only PM can have Paypal inserted as well

If the place where you are required to enter address can't read the long address, Then that can be an issue, and a Moderator would have to enter the info.


But that would defeat the purpose of Online and Self-Serve

Mayor / Maire

@makkahn28 wrote:

Currently ALL CC's need to be Canadian, Not US


@makkahn28You need to update your macros. You are flooding the community with outdated methods and information from 2015, things have changed. Please do some research before posting how-to guides.


Public mobile accepts Credit card or Visa Debit card issued by a Canadian or American financial institution and is registered to a Canadian or American address, or a Public Mobile payment voucher.



Mayor / Maire

It has to be, as some PPL, even I had that issue in beginning, and all it took was entering ALL info exactly as financial institution has on record.


This way, no fraud fiascos


It's the way the system is designed. I didn't design the system

Mayor / Maire

Not accurate...


Some people have reported that they need to remove their appartment, or the end of their address if its too long, of the words "street", "lane", "boulevard", from their address, or else it won't work in the system...


Not sure either that caps are at all important?

Sorry, read about a bit in the forum, you're right for this one 😉

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