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Porting issues

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
It's been more than 24hrs and the porting still has not been completed. I've sent private messages with my info to 2 mods.
Can someone please look into this.
I understand your backlog has increased with the promotional offer. But I am getting billed and unable to receive phone calls.

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin
Porting it from Rogers.
The maximum time I've heard is about 24hrs.

Mayor / Maire

Unfortunately, this is how it goes with porting for ALL carriers. You need to activate your service first, and then wait for the port to complete, despite paying for "no service".


Who did you end up porting from? While you're waiting, the community can help you troubleshoot to make sure there would be no issues with your phone. (i.e. for some Wind phones, they need a factory reset)

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