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Made payment but account is still suspended

Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

I made a payment yesterday and it went through but my account t is still suspended and clicking reactivate my plan doesn’t do anything for me except send me to the make a payment page and I also see that my balance hasn’t changed and shows that I still have to pay even 5o I already made the payment and it went through?


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

it the account was suspended before you made the payment, it will remain suspended. you need the mod to unlock your account

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Hi @Anthony1990,


Sorry to hear that your renewal didn't go through properly.


You will have to send a message to the Moderators for help. In the message, be sure to include a detailed explanation of your issue, your account number, phone number, name and pin.


This is the link to send them a message:

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