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Data Not Working

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I reactivated my account 2 days ago. Text and calls work, but I'm not getting any data. I've tried all the troubleshooting steps, nothing helped.


I've already PM'd a mod without a reply yet. If a mod reads this, please send me a PM. I'd really like to get the service I'm paying for.


I don't recall having anything but the 1 setting inside the APN settings for an iPhone.  Has this changed?  I don't use one anymore.

Glad to hear issue been resolved.
** I am not a Mod, please do not include any private info in a private message to me.**

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Well after resetting Network Settings those fields didn't show up, but Data is working now. So thanks for the push in the right direction! All is well. 🙂

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Ok resetting network settings didn't bring anything back. I'm at a loss here, no idea why it's like this.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I just realized only Internet Tethering shows up in the settings, everything else is missing (including Cellular Data). I'm going to reset all networks settings and see if the other fields come back.

Verify all the fields in the setting of your APN for public mobile to the link above and see if they are all the same.   Remember some fields are empty.

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

iPhone 6

APN is

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Please ensure you followed the following steps to contact a mod. Please include sim#, phone#, email used, and detailed description of what happened.

Mayor / Maire

There is backlog for the mod to repond due to the recent promotion.


Since your call, text are working, so your account is fine.   It is something wrong with the setting on your apn or data related issue.


Can you post your phone model and apn setting?

You need to delete all your old apn from your previous provider and put the correct one and sometimes need a reboot.

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