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Cannot send any texts. 11/28/2017

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen


I cannot send any text messages all day Monday (I know it's still Monday for some)  and I still can't today , Tuesday 28th.

I found a solution to the same problem from earlier this year but I don't see anything that mentions the "message center address"..

I have restarted my phone, cleared my cache, even restarted my phone in "recovery" mode.. nothing seems to work. I can still make phone calls, receive texts, but when I click send it says "sending" , as it's pretending to send (lol) I saw that it was taking too long but anyway then I get the 'not sent.Tap to retry' on every single sms..I know that you all are awesome fixers of problems please help...

Cat Tongue



Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@anniemh2220 any luck?

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Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Thank you for the info. I appreciate it. 

Take care, 

Cat Very Happy

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

Will do. Btw I sent you a pm. I thought you were a moderator. Lol



Some people have had their problems resolved by switching to a third party messaging app from the app store, like Textra. (I had tried Google messages but switched back to the stock app after experiencing some glitches, your milage may vary...)


One thing I'm not sure if you've done that already: Turn the phone off, take the SIM card out and put it back in before restarting?


If everything else fails, you should reach out to the moderator team - they are PM employees and can help with account issues. Working on a first come, first serve basis, hey will get back to you as soon a they can.


Use this link to send a private message to the @Moderator_Team, include all relevant information in your message, such as account number, phone number, detailed problem description.

More information on contacting the mods:

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

@wetcoaster @I'm using my default message app. the one that came with my phone, which is a Moto E4 plus (nice segway huh?)

No have not had any add-ons that have anything to do with the USA. 


Cat Happy

Mayor / Maire

What phone and what messaging app are you using?

Have you had a US text add-on that recently expired?




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