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Great Neighbour / Super Voisin

Hi, Are you guys doing some discount or give free data or something to support community during this hard time for everyone.


Mayor / Maire

@rahulkumar, yes, there is a deal for you...I wrote about some free resources. Normally, I would charge a pretty penny, like a thousand pennies, in this case, nickels, since the pennies don't exist in Canada. Priceless resources

Mayor / Maire

@rahulkumar wrote:

Hi, Are you guys doing some discount or give free data or something to support community during this hard time for everyone.

I'm confident that the Community is being supported; maybe not overtly but sometimes things happen discreetly I'd imagine.

Town Hero / Héro de la Ville

It seems very limited

Mostly help for people stuck in USA

Not much for people stuck someplace in Canada

The parent company is helping with Internet though so that will take care of large numbers too

Also they reduced the sim prices to encourage people to activate at home I guess

It doesn't look like there will be anything more

Unless there is another announcer about prolonging this measures I wouldn't expect much changes. But if April 6 deadline is moved to May 1st as the rumors are, there may be more

Mayor / Maire

@rahulkumar  check the announcement section above. PM 's response is there.

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