12-16-2016 10:49 AM - edited 01-05-2022 01:21 AM
It's been a day since I put money in to my account. I added $80 to it but it's still shows me $0 now. I see many people have the same problem and the way they solved it is by sending a massage to the MOD.
Current situation for me is that I will be in outside from Canada for about 3 months, I will not use any services of my number. Therefore, seems it is not worth to pay the regular monthly plan without actually use any of those services, such as call, text, and datas. Since i will come back with in 3 month, it is still very important to keep my phone number. So I would like to know is there a way that I can keep my phone number by spending a reasonable amount of money. For example, i top up some money in to my account and i only pay each time i call or text. I can change it back to regular monthly plan after i come back to Canada. It is quite a emergency, cause I will be leaving tomorrow.
I'm really shocked that there is no phone number i can callto solve my problems with Public Mobile, a mobile cell phone company. Cannot beleive that there are only 3 MODs and two of them are offline at this time, 10:40 in a friday morning. it's been more than 30 min since i sent my PM to the MOD. i hope i get my problems solved quickly.
Thank you.
12-16-2016 12:21 PM
12-16-2016 12:04 PM
Oh ok, seems like i had some misunderstanding about you. i thought you are one of the stuffs. Thank you for every thing you have explained. So to your knowledge, who else should i reach in order to solve my problems? Cause i really do not have that much time to wait. Only the Mod can help or is there someone else for example @Rockdaddy22 The Oracle?
12-16-2016 11:51 AM
@qq337623006, if you are replying to me, I'm sorry, I'm just a community member who doen't know how to assist in your particular concern. I attempt to find answers, but as I have a day job, I only have so much time.
I am a 4 month customer here, I learn as I go, and describing the service here is something I know. I have helped many on this I can assist, but at this time, yours isn't one of them.
I openly ask others who might be able to assist to do so, but in some cases, we are hands tied until the mods can get involved. Also, we are recovering from a huge promo that put the mods in back long, and they are now at about a 10 day waitlist. FIFO protocall. We are trying to get back to normal as a whole.
12-16-2016 11:44 AM
Thank you for your quick and long reply.
True it was my fault that I did not study the terms before i chose to go with you guys.I should not blame here.
But here is the thing,
First, i beleive we are in the working hours now, it is already over an hour since I sent my PM to a Mod at 10:14 AM 12-16-2016. Directly quote from All you need to know about our Community Moderators it says that
"How quickly should I expect a Community Moderator to respond to me?
Second, my original objective of this post is to looking answer for my question, not to blame anyone, that is useless and waste of time. However, i do not have any question answered from your post. I think if this community is created to help people, your reply seems a bit off-topic, but he explanion about service online was very professional. Do not take me wrong, i'm not here to fight, i just want to get my phone work. So i'm suggesting you if you can answer my question, than please do, answer my other question, cause you seems very professional and i don't really know alot about public mobile, i'm very new here.
And please Rockdaddy22, i'm not sure if i like your tone about this. please answer something meaningful or just ignore it.
12-16-2016 11:06 AM
12-16-2016 11:04 AM
I can't help directly as I'm not a Mod, however I can describe the service you agreed to when you joined Public Mobile.
Service is provided by community members here in the forums for all non-legacy Public Mobile customers. If the community can't help you, most often they can, a Mod will help out. Currently there are 7 or more moderators, all working their shifts.
Business hours are M-Thurs 9 - 9 Toronto time, and F-Su 9-5:30.
The online status isn't always accurate - sessions continue, but do not always show. Yes, it could be improved, but it's a minor issue at this time.
We have been instructed to send Private Messages to one of the 7 or more Mods. These messages are queued up for all moderators to address in first in, first out order. This is the system we work with.
Savings on your package is why we do not have telephone support. Will this change, who knows. But if it does change, plans will not be as inexpensive as they are now. You made the choice to come here (whether you researched it or not), Publim Mobile has setup service in this way, to give you the lower priced service.
I hope someone can assist you with your issue, I hope I have explained the type of service you will get here, and I hope you will continue to be a community member.