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24GB Data Option

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen

I think it's time PM take a leap and double the 12GB data to 24GB / 90 days to reach out to new users. I'm open to paying more for more data. PM could really stand out from other mobile company if they offer this option. Please make it happen PM.


I'm going to comment on the streaming media, and the quantity of data offerings, but not in that order.


I'm on a just about to expire 90-day 6GB, going to switch this weekend to my future data Promo of 12 GB.


I'm currently just under 50% usage of my 6 GB plan, I don't expect to go over the 50% mark when it expires Saturday evening.  


I'm ugrading to the 12 GB because the deal is the same price as the regular plan, with double data.  I really don't plan to use the 12 GB, probably no more than 4 to be honest.  But hey.... for the same cost, it's a no brainer.


As for streaming media, I stream low quality video, and audio as the screen is too small for anything over 720p, even if it can do 1080p (or future 4k or better), and for audio, I really don't hear the difference between normal and high on Spotify via my current mobile device, so it's not an issue.


I've future proofed my wireless connection for me, so if the next cellular device has better audio, then maybe I'll upgrade the quality.


Employer does not allow personal devices on the WiFi, and I have WiFi at home.  My needs are met nicely with the Promo Plan.

I was skeptical at the 12GB option even Cat Tongue

It's great and all but really surprising considering Public is supposed to be a value carrier


Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@daredogg indeed. Debating whether anyone can need a certain amount of data is a different topic than whether or not it's realistic or likely to expect PM to offer that data amount anytime in the foreseeable future.  So while I think it's totally valid and harmless to ask for it, I just want to help manage expectations in that it's unlikely to be implemented soon.  


That said, PM does perically revise its plan offerings (seeme to be approximately yearly but don't hold me to that) and if the landscape shifts enough in terms of needs vs. cost to provide that level of service, you never know what might happen!  


PS I'm personally somewhere in between.  I've been on a 6GB/90 plan for ages, and it was sufficient for my needs as long as I was conscious of not doing too much youtube etc on the go away from WiFi.  Since the promo I've been on a 12GB plan and ironically look to fall well short of that on my current cycle, probably still under my previous 6GB.  But, it's nice to have the flexibility for sure!  

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Yup, everyone's situation is different. I know someone who ditched their internet plan and only use cellular data at home now. If someone is constantly on the go, for sure their data usage would be a lot higher. I was just saying there are ways to reduce your usage. I know that in using less than 1GB in a month, I'm an anomoly! Robot Very Happy


Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité
@daredogg that should have said *I* am not necessarily saying they should. Stupid auto-"correcting" Mobile keyboard lol.

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Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité
@daredogg I think the point remains that if someone wants to be connected constantly on the go and is okay to scale up their plan cost accordingly, PM doesn't really have anything for them (since the data add-ons are ridiculously expensive if you need to exceed 4GB/mo). I'm not saying u necessarily think PM needs to offer a bigger plan, but that I understand there are usage scenarios where people might wan them. Just because you and your parents don't use a ton of data doesn't mean that some want/need to. (need might be a stretch but you get the idea)

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@srlawren For music streaming, they should use Spotify because you can listen offline. $9.99 for 3 months right now. Pick your streams, they d/l to your phone and can listen with no data. About snapchat, I must be an "old guy" now since I have never used it. Instagram, barely... I'm a Twitter guy, so since it's mostly text based, it doesn't eat into my data. I know in BC, you can use Shaw Connect points. My parents barely use data because they automatically connect when out and about in Surrey area.


Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité
@Rockdaddy22, @daredogg some people are on the go a lot and do audio streaming as their main source of music. Others like to broadcast a ton of their lives on snapchat, etc etc. Actually I have a cousin from Manitoba that was complaining about overages because she uses something like 8-10 Gb per month. My jaw nearly hit the floor when she said that but yeah some people are just heavy users. In her case I think it was a combination of audio steaming during her lengthy commutes plus tons of snapchat and Instagram etc. It happens, especially with the younger generations.

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Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité
18GB would be good for a few people I know.

Mayor / Maire

@thymaster that's a LOT of data! If I averaged 8GB per month, I think I'd look for some ways to reduce that number by using wifi instead. Ask friends to give me access to their network when I visit, make sure to log on at work or school or at places like McDonald's, Starbucks, Tim Hortons, etc. Maybe even shutting off my cellular data unless I really need it. I use a VPN service on my phone, so I'm not worried about using public networks (I know we should be cautious of sketchy wifi connections).


I understand everyone's situation is different, but you'd definitely be at the extreme end when it comes to cellular data usage (at least in my experience anyway)! Like @srlawren mentioned, post your idea in the Public Lab because it will get more exposure there.


Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

@thymaster two things:


1) if you want PM to consider this as an idea, please add a new thread to the Public Lab area. 


2) PM has stated in the past that they are interested in average, moderate data using customers.  They removed the former 90 day 1GB plan (approx 333MB/month), and have in the past been resistant to offering more than a 90 day 12GB plan.  They seem to think the 1GB-4GB/month area is the sweet spot.  You can try, but I don't think your idea is likely to be accepted.  Just an FYI.

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Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

hope fully soon - I would be waiting for it - but don't see any time sooner this will happen unless competitors like wind etc launch a promotion like this. 

Great Citizen / Super Citoyen


Doesn't have to be a promo to offer this.

Just have it offered at reg price.  IE: offer 24gb, and price it at double the cost of 12gb.

It is simply an option for high data users to be attracted.

You will have in influx of signups for that, however not nearly the amount that came over with the latest promo in Nov2015.





Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

With all the problems some people have I don't think any promo in the near future will be a good idea. Let the mods deal with all the unhappy customers, fix all their issues. This promo showed that Public Mobile wasn't fully prepared for so much big wave of clients. But there is a positive side of all this : Public Mobile can learn from previous mistakes or bugs in their system so they can deal better with any future promos. I hope it will benefit everybody. 


There is lots of thinking behind doing anything. Offering double data and increasing price to make it a better deal, lots of analysis needed. This can take a lot of time so its way too soon to offer another hot promo.

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