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Etiquette of mentioning other providers in posts?

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

Just wondering if there is an official or unofficial position in the forum  with regards to mentioning or directing users to other cell providers in replies to posts.


Don;t get me wrong I am really happy with PM, but sometimes a the compitition could have  a better offfer, that might better suit the users needs. 


Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire


hey @sbreakin.... I didn't think of the Old VCR although I remember when we did go from those to DVD...


For the oldies in the crowd....  thinkin back to 1995, you might remember cable tv channel 11 in Ontario with the call letters CKVR. Well their name and tag line was "The New VR".... which happens to include my initials.


Well.. I was younger back then and not so new anymore.. hense TheOldVR!


More detail then any of you ever wanted to know....

Mayor / Maire
I am with very much everyone in here. After all we are customers here and not employees so I don't see us binded by any rule as long as the discussion stay as they intended which so far I can see is great everyone is happy to help, polite, offer advice and most of all are honest in every word they say (I don't like those Oracles people they remind me of Oreals all the time and that makes me hungry). As @SD08 mentioned PM isn't perfect and still has more stuff to do and we point that all the time and we complement other companies for their good things (I started quite many discussions about my ex-provider) but we are still here and we enjoy the service of PM. So as long as we are discussing like we do there shouldn't be an issue

Model Citizen / Citoyen Modèle

Good topic to raise as haven't read any like this in my 4 months here...

I'm with theoldVR & most of the folks.

Generally I wouldn't post other competitors website/ offers as this is PM's public forum & quite frankly think the service & price unbeatable at PM (once one gets used to advantages of no call center).

But I can see where occasionally PM doesn't offer something or PM sim only service doesn't work for a person. (Even then I wouldn't blatantly promote the other - just mention it as option).


As mimmo_L suggests there could be times when someone asks about a type of service that might be better option elsewhere - the ones that come to mind are:


1. if someone prefers a call centre & talk to someone

ie. could be a business phone where 24hr service is very important or situations where one likes 'instant' ability to call someone (although likely on hold or get someone that may not be able to renew your credits that you've had for a year - talking to you red company).  I have to admit when one of the 2 ports didn't work & it complicated -at times felt talking might have been easier but actually all went smoothly.


2. something that PM doesn't offer (yet) or is not quite as good deal

- such as the data only option & i think that offer has discount on tablet -although like many offers there's probably a catch.


3. where someone wants a very low use or emergency type service.

PM's text only (or Province voice only) might be an option & could add data add-on (& use voip phone)... but not quite same as PM's sister company for a low basic (text) plan that can add non expiring data/ minute packs.


(PS Just as an aside i've been reading "theOldVR" in my head as 'the old VCR'... I guess i'm dating myself).

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

@mimmo wrote:

Thanks for all the replies.  I was simply curious, and by no means wanted/inteneded to spam the community with competitors offers.  


I was just replying to a thread yesterday, and a $15 data only plan from a different provider coupled with fongo, seemed like a good option for the person. It just had me thinking...and  I thought it would be an interesting topic, so i threw it out there.





Great discussion topic tho!

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

Thanks for all the replies.  I was simply curious, and by no means wanted/inteneded to spam the community with competitors offers.  


I was just replying to a thread yesterday, and a $15 data only plan from a different provider coupled with fongo, seemed like a good option for the person. It just had me thinking...and  I thought it would be an interesting topic, so i threw it out there.





Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

As long as everything posted was truth and not used to spread lies and rumours, then there shouldn't be an issue at all.

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire


Took me a bit to figure out the intent of this post, but I think I get it now...


I don't think that I would post a competitive offer up on this site unless it was relevant to a particular conversation. i.e. a targetted offer for PM users only. My reason for this is that I don't treat this site as a deal site, and I'm not a fan of trying to pull customers away from PM using their own site.


PM does (if they wish too...) have the opportunity to gather a ton of competitive intelligence in the case that they setup a "Share your offers" discussion group. **TONS to consider here that I don't have the time to go through in detail... not to mention that a legal crew would probably have thoughts on the topic.


Happy Thursday!




I mentioned Freedom Mobile last week, or early this week, as they contacted me about returning to their services, because they had upgraded technology in my geograhic location.  


Sure they're now "at or the same" technology I get with Telus and Bell towers, but I'd still be paying more in 10 month's time, becuase their closest deal has an expiry date, and my 2016 Fall Promo, although less allowed data over 90 days compared to their offer of double data, plus overage data unlimited (throttled) just doesn't work for me.


I know what I have now works for me, and at the moment, I still have expansion available as I do not use even close to 50% of my data, and I do not call Canada wide.


But with them, I know already I will need to pay more, and get less in 10 months.


It doesn't make sense for me to move as Public Mobile has what I want, more than I need.

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

Hello everybody!  


Interesting topic, @mimmo.

I have not seen the PM employees censor us when discussing competitors so far in 20 months that I have been around.  


I would recommend and hope that fellow community members would not spam the threads to drive traffic to other sites.. we have been very lucky so far with minimal issues.  As far as this doesn't become an issue of spamming or a malicious campaign, we are free to discuss other carriers as needed.  This is my personal opinion and I believe is consistent with PM's actions.  

I don't see an issue with mentioning competitors or if they have a plan that might be better suited for a current PM customer, but if someone were constantly pushing a promo by a competitor that is going a little to far.



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This is supposed to be a public forum, no pun intended.  So, unless the discussion is illegal or immoral, it should be fair game. 

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Why bother post this in here, if a deal exists it should be posted in RFD and if we didnt care we can now hide the post!!! (love that new feature... ive been hiding 90% of the crap!)

Deputy Mayor / Adjoint au Maire

Echoing what @SD08 said, I refer people to PM, and also speak positively about PM not because I HAVE to, but I WANT to, and that is the way it should be. And as long as PM keeps doing what they are doing, then there's no reason this should change.


I do think that if us as community members does determine that PM may not be suited for them (eg. potential customer wants a call centre and is not tech savvy), then it is OK to suggest another provider. And if you do determine another plan (let's say on a really good promo) that suits the person's needs much better, I would think recommending it is fine, as this user would have left with an even better experience with PM. Who knows, they might be back in the future based on the interaction.


Now however, if there was a user on the forums here that continually tries to get people to switch to another provider purposely, then I would do something about that troll because at that point, there's no reason to keep a person that is spamming these forums.

Retired Oracle / Oracle Retraité

I don't know what PM's official position is, but I personally think (and hope) there would not be an issue when we mention other companies' services.  I've done so on occasion, and I've received no indications that suggest otherwise.  PM employees might understandably never recommend using a competitor's services, but it's an important distinction that we members are customers first, not employees. 


Is there a company that can serve every customer's needs perfectly?  Such a thing does not exist.  If I were a potential or current customer looking for options to best suit my needs, I'd want any members to provide advice openly in good faith.  After all, if this community routinely gave advice against the best interests of customers, that would reflect badly on the community, and on Public Mobile.  Such a negative image would do more damage to the PM brand than is worth any gains made by encouraging unsuitable purchases.  When we as a community deal with each other and potential customers honestly and openly, the reputation that results is worth far more to PM than anything gained by restricting advice. That kind of goodwill can't be bought.


By no means is PM a perfect company.  Those of us who have been part of the community for any significant amount of time certainly know there is room for improvement.  But I'm active in this community because I'm a happy customer and I believe in PM's product and business model overall.  As long PM operates honestly and I'm allowed to participate and give advice freely, then I see no reason for that to change.   Smiley Happy


If it doean't really effect Public Mobile in a way that user would just leave because of that deal, then you shouldn't. Remember, other users will be effected by it as well and not just the one you are replying to. 

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