Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
since ‎04-17-2019

User Statistics

  • 8 Posts
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  • 1 Bravos Received

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J'ai decide de quitter PM et j'ai transferé mon numero de mobile a un competiteur AVANT d,annuler mon service. une fois le transfert effectué , je n'arrive plus a accéder a mon compte PM pour annuler les paiements automatiques . Est-ce normal ? Merci
I've had this account for more than 2 years. It has been working flawlessly, but today more network... Nada, nothing., I've swapped the sim card to another phone (yes unlocked !) and still nothing.... So now I know the problem is with Public M...
Hello,I have an iphone 6 and the 500 + 500 Mb data package.I have been unable to access data on the iphone.  Unable to browse or use Imessage.  I have read the posts but unable to find a solution..... Any clues ?  tks.....
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