Hey, I’m not sure what kind of phone you have but under the cellular data settings you can see what apps on your phone use the data. I just downloaded an app from my car insurance company and it drained 75% of my data within a week. So I was able to ...
Here she states it wasn’t her:Alright well looks like their screwing me over I guess their broken servers over charged me I didn't even click pay yet and yet they charged me twice so either way she has her options. 1. Leave it as is2. Contact mod...
In her earlier thread she states she didn’t do the error. I get that it takes time but you just don’t know her money situation. It boggles my mind that some of you are going back and forth about this. Her options were given. Let her choose what to do...
Not everyone has extra funds to throw around or pay in advance. Hopefully she can get this resolved before next pay period so she can pay her other bills.