Looking for some help. Yesterday morning my data just stopped working and still isn't. It worked fine before that. It still says 3G at the top but there is no connection. I can send and receive SMS so there is service. Another issue is that when ...
So it appears to be fixed. I had the APN settings correct but I reset them and created a new one (exactly the same) and now it's working. Strange but I'll take it. I appreciate all the help!
My brother is on Telus. It is really weird. I did a system update recently but the data worked for a few days after I did the update. Then it just stopped.
So I am even more confused now. I switched sim cards with my brothers phone. His sim card had data connection in my phone, but my sim card had data connection in his phone. So the issue is my sim card in my phone? I'm even more confused now than be...
@Dunkman wrote:@MikegurnhamIf your data is not working, you will likley need to contact moderator, but expect 2-3 day wait. Have you tried putting your sim card into another phone as suggested above? If no data in the other phone, then Public Mobil...
I did not run out of data, I've got over 2gb left on this cycle. I turned off the phone, removed the sim card, turned back on, reset network settings, the APN is correct and was working until yesterday. Then it just stopped and I made no changes at ...