What phone do you have? On some Android phones, its not difficult to accidentally disable data. In any case, try resetting your cellular network settings to default and/or restarting your phone.
In addition the advice above, try placing your SIM in another functional phone (if you have one available) or a functional SIM in your phone to test, so you can determine whether the issue is the phone or the SIM.
What phone do you have? What plan are you on? Did you by any chance port your number recently? I suspect that the issue may be with your phone and not the service, because if you can send them perfectly fine, the receiving should be unlimited and fre...
That number that texts are being sent to are the iMessage server for configuration. It sends a few back and forth texts when you first install the SIM card into your iPhone. I believe this has been explained previously, but you should not incur addit...