I wouldn't let that worry me. Telus is BIG and they probably have no reason to close PM which doesnt cost them as much as Koodo. I have not been long with PM (couple of months now) but I really love their SIM only, prepaid plans with no "stores" wh...
No there isnt. Its better this way because PM rewards you for referrals and I believe one number per account helps PM keep track of this for auditability and conflict purposes. hope this helps.
I second @srlawren 's suggestion. I dont usually have to reboot often but I tend to do it once in two - three weeks. and it seems to work just fine and also get rid of any issue that I might be having.
@Tajinderplease check your phone's IMEI if its compatible with PM in the cehck your phone section here (https://www.publicmobile.ca/en/on/get-started). Once confirmed, check if your plan is activated by logging in (https://selfserve.publicmobile.ca/...