For those that said complaints to CCTS were pointless, I always disagreed. The avalanche of complaints spurred competitors to offer $19 plans (good ones) which created a bathtub leak for PM... Enough of a difference for PM to match on new subscriber...
golfball wrote: "Yes I've seen a few people express surprise and excitement when they get the data text not realizing the full context. PM should have been more upfront with the stipulations and specifics of what's going on."-----------------------M...
Its PM, lol... There is no one to talk. Upcoming costed changes make PM a joke... I suspect it will be folded up eventually on subscriber exodus. Koodo will return to the "low cost" Telus option.
Regarding #2 - PM did not get the (legacy) uptake when they introduced the "new rewards points program" previous because early adopters clearly understood the "new" plan was inferior.PM largely "glazed over" (more directly clearly misleading) the fac...
It is not up to subscribers to "figure out" or go to "help forum" to understand how the changes affect individual accounts.PM has the obligation to inform (legacy) users to the specifics (per account) how these changes affect EACH account. Saying "w...