If you have the correct card number and details ensure your card isn’t locked or prevented from international charges (depending on where your card is from).
If you are doing the eSIM method, have you tried looking at settings/cellular to see if both “Virgin” and “Public Mobile” networks are “on”? They both need to be on to complete the transfer. Others have said tried rebooting the phone and that may wor...
If you have an iPhone ensure in settings > cellular , that both networks are “on”. I.e your previous provider and PM. The iPhone defaults to the new provider and switches off the network for the old one. Specifically I found this to work when activat...
One thing people might not realize if they have an iPhone is that with the eSIM transfer, the iPhone turns off the other “line”. If you keep both active during the porting process it will work. For example in settings, “cellular”. Ensure you keep bot...