Updated full APN settings that work for MIUI based phones like Xiaomi/Poco are here.https://productioncommunity.publicmobile.ca/t5/Get-Support/APN-Settings-that-May-Work-for-MMS-on-Xiaomi-Redmi-and-POCO/td-p/1151627
If someone has this issues with a Xiaomi or Poco phone now, check out this thread for the correct APN settings, which is more complete then information most provided on this website.https://productioncommunity.publicmobile.ca/t5/Get-Support/APN-Setti...
When it comes to browsers, make sure you disable ad-blocking for any pages with form issues, refresh and try again. There is a shocking amount of scripts for valid site features like drop-down menus and auto-search suggestion that get blocked by ad-b...
softech's information is nearly the same as the info that finally got my MMS to work earlier today, except for the very last line, which should be Mobile Virtual Network Operator Value: 4D4FHere are the full set of values stated by the APN.now websit...
I have had various Xiaomi/Redmi/Poco phones over the years, so I know there is always a problem with the automatic APN settings that have caused my MMS to fail over the years. When I recently switched from my cheap 3G plan to a bigger data plan on 5G...