Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
since ‎12-05-2017

User Statistics

  • 23 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
  • 39 Bravos Given
  • 7 Bravos Received

User Activity

I thought I would check to see if changing plans would save me some change. Am paying 126 / 90 days.Went from:- 3 Choices with Provincial Talk- 3 GB Data- Unlimited Canada-wide Talk- Unlimited International TextTo the following for 90 / 90:- 3 Choice...
My wife and I have 2 plans with PM. Her's is a Nexus 4 on a 30-day talk only plan which began on September 18, 2016.Plan is Pick &Pay, Provincial Voice Only @ 27$ before gst. I want to be able to text on that phone. There is no add-on for this plan, ...
Wow. I couldn't believe it when after weeks of trying to reset the password for Community happened. I've been in some kind of cyber whirlpool!I got started on Public Mobile about a year ago, coming from Virgin. At the time I posted some new topics an...
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