Hi, My phone plan is supposed to renew tonight, but I'll be going on vacation for 3 weeks so I want to renew it after I come back, how do I do this without cancelling my plan?
Hello, I have auto pay enabled on my account, I am wondering why 2 amounts were charged on my account for the month of december??Can someone contact me about this my number is 289 xxx xxxx.Thank you.
My concern is that I will be gone for almost 1 month, I do not want to pay for 3 months and use only 2 months. If I renew my plan now, and suspend it for 1 month before my next renewal, will I still have 2 months left on it when I unsuspend in July?
All these threads and still no anwer to my actual question. Is there someone I can talk to directly because these posts might not be getting my idea across correctly.
My plan is supposed to renew today, but I will be out of the country from June 10-July 05. So I'm debating if I should renew then suspend on June 10, or just make a payment when I am back.
Ah ok, so lets say I renew my plan tonight for 90 days, (next renewal would be Sept 1st) then I suspend my plan on the 10th for 3 weeks, will those 3 weeks be considered part of my cycle or just a hold until I unsusend it, (I would renew it 3rd week ...