Good Citizen / Bon Citoyen
since ‎04-21-2023

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  • 9 Posts
  • 0 Solutions
  • 1 Bravos Given
  • 19 Bravos Received

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what should i do?   Hey, it's Public Mobile. We're having trouble transferring your number. Looks like you entered an incorrect ESN/MEID. Someone from our team will contact you shortly using your original phone number or the alternate number provided...
Does public mobile now have unlimited data (512 kbps) after you use up all your data?I was looking for a new plan and stumbled into the fine print section where it said this "Data speeds reduced to a maximum of 512Kbps after your included high-speed ...
I realized that I have to change credit cards on my plan as I changed cards and my service stopped at my plan renewal date (yesterday). However, when I try to log-in to self serve/my account, I keep getting the following message This page is down or ...
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