New to public mobile. Just installed a NEW SIM, and got a NEW phone number. I can call out and can send texts but CAN NOT receive calls and they go straight to voicemail, and can not receive texts, although i can send them out. PLEASE HELP. thank...
Ok Just tried what you suggested and put the SIM in another phone12 and it worked! So what setting do i have on my iphone 7 that might be causing this?
But why would i get some of the service (e.g. I can call out and text out successfully) but not receive the incoming calls and texts. WOuld a faulty one work at all ?? or is this another issue.
Already logged in and activated the account, and plugged in the SIM card number etc. As i say it does say on my iphone PUBLIC MOBILE at the top lefthand corner and i can call out successfully and send texts successfully but not receive them.
We have already turned off and turned back on many times - does not work. Also did a reset of the Network settings. How do i get my calls not going straight to voicemail. I can call out and I can send texts which are received by others; just can n...