@Robynesque @ I wanted it to but existing customers can't get this deal however if you look through the plans it's now 45$ for us and I switched to that as it's $10 cheaper and doesn't change after 15 months.
@dabr it didn't work in the self serve but they have the same plan as the 55$ one for 45$ as a plan so me and my mom both switched to that cause it's 10$ cheaper she also had the 55$ plan.
@dabr would I be able to get this seeing as I changed to this plan at the end if Oct? If so how would I go about it? Or can I change to the same plan I already have I'm order to get the promo?
@dabr there is a promo for this 20gb plan offing 20$ off for 15 months. Is this only for new customers? I tried putting in the promo code but it didn't work lol
@dabr I think I'm good with the plan I have now. I got this plan because of Fiona, we had no power for over a week. So I want to keep it incase we have a bad storm this winter so I can hot spot my kids and fiance if need be. Thank tho