Ya and thats the problem my parents never close their apps....its such a new world for them. I did notice at the bottom of the add on page this:(7) Data Add-Ons to supplement a Data Plan will be provisioned at the data speed selected in your plan. If...
They do have data, but only 250, I"m worried now that may not be enough cause I got the talk and text and data plan thinking they would need those too, but by the sounds of it, only the data will be useful for them to send/receive txt msgs? No they ...
Ok this is all great info, I really appreciate everyone's input on this. Honestly I don't ever do forum things like this (if that's even what it's called) so the speedy responses are amazing! I will test everything out when I am down there and wil...
Ok now I'm super confused and I've been googling like crazy. So what you are saying is that even though the plan is giving them 3G speeds for data, when they are in the USA they will be able to access whichever provider PM uses down there (verizon, ...
That was not there a few hours ago when i checked! I literally found out when I was going to add on to my rogers plan and then I thought oh no my parents are with PM and they only get 3G. So what your saying is that even though T mobile is set to sh...