Is it possible to send text messages from Windows PC to a public mobile cell WITHOUT third party software? I know that I can sent text to a bell network cell by using the address: Is there a similar address from PM??
Am interested in this phone for my wife. Unfortunately I'm seeing different variations on line:XT2041-4 at Costco, XT2041-1 at Walmart, and others as well.Can anyone here shed light on these? Which one(s) are working on PM?
Hello everyone,Just to let you know I did order the OP7 from B&H. Not the original T-mobile version suggested by will13am but the unlocked North American version for $50 more than the $300 price that was mentioned earlier. The upside is that this ver...
OK then.The Oneplus support site says:"After the .zip file is copied to your phone, go to 'Settings' - 'system update', click the 'settings' icon on the top right corner, choose 'Local upgrade', find the .zip file and click on 'Install' to confirm."I...