Thanks again for your inputBack to the AGENT . this 15 to 25 update is for one month only.I have more unused phone and data time in the bank than I could ever use. Also I have remember to change the plan back to the $15.00plan by a certain date in MA...
The way the CS agent wrote. It implied that I was getting the the $25.00 plan for the $15.00 rateMY $15.00 plan with rebates is now only $8.96I asked if that would be the price.?? no reply yet.
Just me againI text the CSA agent and asked if there is any credit for all my time and lost 2 weeks of phone use.He replied that yesterday (thats before my request) He/She changed my plan from the $15.00 plan to a $25.00 plan AT NOT COST TO ME.Sounds...